Thursday, December 27, 2007
Going to bed, but wanted to give you some facebook pics, if you're interested. A better Christmas post coming soon, I promise!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My week is about to be crazy busy getting ready for Christmas, so I'm sure I won't be able to blog until after it's all over... I found this picture of me and my parents (yes, it is an FBCC picture directory picture)- I'm assuming around my first birthday (close to Christmas). I think Makayla looks a lot like me here, but I also see Brynley, what do you think? Either way, my girls are so much more beautiful than I ever was. :)
Also, its my parents anniversary today (well, actually, the 19th, I just realized its after midnight- sheesh!). I love you both, thank you for the wonderful example you set for Jaron and I on what a marriage is supposed to be. Here's to 27 more years (at least)!!
I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful Christmas- don't drink too much eggnog! :)
Friday, December 07, 2007
I know I didn't do a great job on our blog template, but I wanted something Christmasy and this is all I could come up with, so deal with it. :)
I just realized I didn't post any Thanksgiving pictures!!! I'm getting kind of lazy with duplicating pictures here and on facebook, so I decided I'd just post my November album from facebook link on here. If you have no idea what I just said, don't worry about it, just click the link below. :)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I hope each and every one of you are having a blessed holiday season! I just wanted to share a few pictures from our photo shoot with Angela last Saturday. She did a fantastic job of capturing the beauty of my girls (even if they weren't always smiling) and some of my favorite ones turned out to be classic Makayla and Brynley faces. Thanks so much Angela!!!This is definitely my favorite. It's so them- Makayla thinks a smile and a hug can cure any of Brynley's troubles.
I've pretty much given up on the "posed family picture" for a couple of more years. But this sums us up pretty well. :)
Here's more if you didn't get enough... :)
Sunday, December 02, 2007
This is for my little sister, who is upset that I haven't blogged in a whole 5 days! :) These are from our Christmas decorating day this week. Jaron loves decorating for Christmas and did a great job, especially on our lights outside, I'll have to post those pics soon, too! Stay tuned... I'll also be posting our Christmas pics that Angela took yesterday!Cleaning off the dormant fireplace.
The girls were very intrigued by the tree coming out of a box.
Makayla was very proud of the lights she put on "all by herself".
Brynley was kind of a grinch that day.
Hanging her stocking with care...
Our finished tree... we couldn't find "just the right angel" for the top, so Jaron decided the hat would do. :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I've been reading a lot of "Thanksgiving" blogs, and felt I needed to put in my two cents. I'm so thankful for LIFE, specifically the lives of my two precious girls. Without going into too much of the details behind my children's births... I was in the hospital for a month before Makayla was born b/c I was on the verge of Preeclampsia (high blood pressure), resulting in a long labor that turned into an emergency c-section b/c of her low heart rate. I had the same condition with Brynley, and I delivered her at 35 weeks. She was in the NICU for 2 weeks. I realize I could have lost both of my little girls, and many women have during similar situations. I am beyond grateful for the wisdom of my doctor and the grace of God... Makayla was in the NICU for only a few hours and exhibited no signs of stress from a VERY stressful labor and Brynley was such a fighter, and did so well growing in the NICU. Its easy to forget how far they've come, but that's why we have pictures. :) Count your blessings, I'm trying to count mine more and more every day. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Makayla Rae- Born: August 25, 2005
Brynley Nicole- Born: August 3, 2006
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I think I cry more each time I watch this. I hope my girls have this much wisdom and love for God when they are 13...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I take no credit for this, but Makayla is so smart it really does amaze me.
Today she started calling out the names of letters and we caught it on tape...or digital pixels...anyway, Rebekah says that she hasn't spent much time with her on it. She thinks the credit should go to Makayla's new favorite show called "Super Why". It's supposed to teach kids how to read - so I guess it's working.
Still, it's pretty impressive for a two-year-old.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I've been giving my girls a little more TLC than usual the last couple of days b/c they haven't been feeling so great. Tonight, I was up with Brynley, just holding her and talking to her, trying to distract her from her sore throat. :( They're both finally sleeping semi-peacefully (at midnight), and I don't know why, but I started thinking about what we were doing on this exact day last year. Thanks to the wonderful Apple product, Iphoto, I was able to scroll up to November 2006 in our photo library, and, sure enough, I had taken pictures on November 10th. I even remember where we were- we had met my mom, Aimee and Kristina on their lunch break at Baker Bro's. Good times. I can't believe these pics of my girls! They grow up way too fast, but the everyday journey is so fun. Anyway, there's not really a point to this post- I'm just trying to remind myself to slow down a little bit and enjoy the beautiful blessings God has put in my life. I truly feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have the 2 little angels that I do, and this is one of those tearful moments that I'm overwhelmed with how much my God has blessed me. Its a good moment, thanks for sharing it with me. :)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
So, it seems that everyone and their dog has been sick recently. Well, this past weekend was it for me, and poor sweet Makayla has a fever and is feeling horrible tonight. Please keep her in your prayers! Anyway, this past Sunday, Jaron was really sweet and took the girls to the park and then to my parents', so I could rest, and they wouldn't have to breathe in my contagiousness. Here's some cute pictures from their new favorite park...Started out with a cute hat on...
...but didn't stay on for long. :)
Hmmm... I think...
...that I can reach it!
Brynley has a new tongue thing. I don't know what's up with that.
Poor baby doesn't feel so chipper tonight. Breaks my heart!
Friday, November 02, 2007
We had lots of fun Wed. night at the fall festival. The girls were especially into the jump house and the big slide. Enjoy a few pics from the evening. **Side note: my brother left early this morning for Wisconsin for a couple of weeks. Please keep him in your prayers. To read more about why he's there, visit Jeff and Kris's blog- The post is "Wisconsin". Have a great weekend everyone!My little monkey and froggie. So cute!
Zane the hot dog and Aunt Kris
Daddy and his froggie
Makayla was very interested in everything, and was very good- she even sat still while Megan painted a butterfly on her face! Sorry, no pic. :(
I think Bryn was trying to take Makayla's monkey head off. Both her and Mema found it rather funny. Makayla, not so much.
She loved the ducks- between that and the slide, she was set.
Yummy duck.
When Makayla started stripping, we figured it was time to go.
Here's a video before the night began. It made me smile, hopefully it will make you smile as well. :)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Makayla's new thing is saying, "Sure, mom" in a very sarcastic tone whenever I ask her to do something. She means well, and does it, but we're going to have to work on how she says it. :) Enjoy this little video.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
We took Makayla to the Alliance Air show today and had a blast! I didn't realize how big of a deal it is. They had all kinds of planes on the ground, most of them you could walk inside. The heat wasn't that bad because it was really windy (but Jaron and I did get a little burned). We got some decent pics and some video for all you plane lovers who didn't get to go. I will definitely be going back- such a great family outing (and not expensive at all!). But don't ask Makayla if she saw the airplanes this weekend- she calls them big jets (and will claim that is all she saw). :) I apologize for not knowing the correct names of these amazing aircraft- feel free to comment and educate everyone if you do know the names!The Red Baron planes. Cool show, but kind of annoying b/c the announcer kept advertising their pizza. Seriously.
Oh, what are they doing?
Yes, making a heart- way cool.
Stealth plane- I didn't even see it at first b/c it makes NO NOISE!
I call this the hovering plane, b/c that's what it did! (See the videos at the bottom).
Its nickname has jump in the title- I heard the announcer mention that.
This was Makayla's face every time Jaron mentioned something about seeing the airplanes (she wasn't in a great mood at the beginning).
What a good daddy- covering her ears from the loud planes.
Mom, when are you gonna get it? I'm not in the MOOD for pictures!
Eating a snickers bar- she perked up a little after this. :)
Makayla and I in front of a very big jet.
We were really tired and hot by the time the Blue Angels started their show, but still got a great view from the car (w/ AC) and Makayla could see a lot better without the sun in her eyes.
Silly girl.
The Blue Angels are amazing, but I think this was my favorite show. Its like acrobats in the sky!!! Don't know what the airplane's called.
The crazy hovering plane.
The Blue Angels. Simply the best there is.