Saturday, January 26, 2008

Makayla update

My last post was started on Monday, and I added the Makayla part on Wed. SO, Makayla's had the flu since Tuesday night, but she is doing MUCH better today (Saturday). She's been feeling a lot better since Thursday, but has had a nasty cough (which has been waking her up at night). But, thanks to Vick's and Mucinex for kids, she's starting to get all that yucky stuff out and is almost back to normal. And the rest of us have been taking Tamiflu (and Bryn just had her flu shot), so we've managed to stay healthy... I just thought I'd post since so many have sent me such sweet emails asking about her. We're still staying in for the weekend (even though Makayla is BEGGING me to go bye bye- my little social butterfly)- so hopefully we can kick this nasty thing for GOOD. Please, if you're pregnant or have little ones, take EXTRA care this winter to wash your hands a lot, drink lots of water, etc. Its crazy how rampant the flu and pneumonia are right now, I don't want anyone to have to go through this, its not fun!!! God bless, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pretty toes

Jaron and I took full advantage of our day off on Monday... A new spa opened up, literally around the corner from us, so Jaron went to get a massage and I got a pedicure after he got home. We didn't have high hopes (it was in a shopping center between a Sherwin Williams and Western Warehouse)... I am pleased to report that Jaron claims it was the best massage he's ever had (he's probably had about half a dozen, including a very expensive massage at a spa in San Antonio that we splurged on for our anniversary last year), and it was definitely the best pedi I've ever had. I do not consider myself a "girlie girl", but I do like to relax and this was definitely the place to do it. They have a variety of services, it is VERY nice and clean, and surprisingly inexpensive. AND, through the end of January, they are offering 40% off all of their services! And, 30% off in February. This little find is called the HOLLYWOOD DAY SPA at the corner of Beltline Rd. and Preston Rd. They're open every day and have a ton of staff to accommodate walk-ins... look at my pretty toe!!

On another, more serious, less fun note... Makayla went to the doctor today and she has the flu. :( She seemed fine last night, but developed a horrible cough throughout the night. SO, we will be in quarantine over the next few days. Its crazy how fast that nasty thing can spring up, we took this video of the girls just last night. Please pray for my sweet girl, she's miserable...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alive and well

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here, just crazy busy. I have some cute pics to post, but probably won't make it to those until the weekend...

Things are good- I started a part time job last month!!! The Gymnastics Place is so much fun and I'm loving having a couple of hours a day, M-Th, to take a break from "mommy duty". :) The girls like spending some time with various relatives and friends as well.

Even though I only work part time, I have a new found respect for working moms. How do you full timers do it??? For my friends that are full time mommies AND have a full time job- I think you're doing a great job; I know you are doing what you feel is best for your family and are trusting in God's perfect plan for your life... Without too much embarrassment, I just wanted to recognize a few mommies who are doing an amazing parenting job with their little ones and have either a part or full time career. I know you don't hear it enough, and probably get more criticism than praise, so here you go- YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!!! Love you girls- ABL, Becky, Angela, Cassy, Liz, Kaylane, Kyla, Amy V., Lanae, Curissa, Tracy, Denise, Donna, Tricia. I know there are so many more rock star moms out there, both working outside the home, and SAHM's, but these are just some I've spent some time with, and have seen the fruits of their labor (their kids). EVERY mom is one of the hardest working people in America- take some time to thank yours today. :)

Peace and love everyone, Happy Wednesday, well, Thursday now- shoot, I need to go to bed!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008

Ok, random pictures, but I wanted to celebrate the fact that Brynley is no longer in a crib! They've since switched spots, but are both loving the freedom of big girl beds. And its so nice to not have to jump out of bed in the morning to get Bryn out of her crib- Makayla and her now get up and play while mommy peacefully wakes and gets up. :)

We had such a wonderful Christmas with our families; here's a recap of the festivities...

Friday night before Christmas: Entire Hayes family at Marsha's- it was so great to get to see Grandmother!
Sunday evening before Christmas: Pitts' immediate family (Grandpappy and Nana (Tom and Angie)). Makayla had a lot of fun playing with Uncle Tymon, who she hadn't seen in quite a while.
Christmas morning: Our little family of 4 opened stockings and presents. My favorite Christmas moment was giving Jaron one of his gifts- Johnny Cash reading The New Testament. I think that's the best present I've ever bought!
Christmas late morning/afternoon: Pope's immediate family (Grandpa and Grammy (Mike and Charlotte)). Great brunch and early dinner, we love to eat. :) SO glad to have Jeff back with us!!
Christmas evening: Mema and Grandad came over with WAY too many presents, but it was fun watching the girls tear through them (they had got the present opening thing down by that point).

Yes, that was 5 Christmases. Lots of fun. You can refer to my previous post for pictures (I'll admit, I didn't do a great job of taking them, which is good, b/c I was more focused on what was going on).

I'll leave you with this little video clip- The girls and I met up with my mom and Aimee and Zane for a little day after Christmas shopping at the Allen outlets. It was freezing, but we got some great stuff. This video captures the overall delirium we were feeling, SO ready for naps. Enjoy, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

**More videos are currently being uploaded to Youtube- check out the "Our home videos" link on this page**