Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alive and well

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here, just crazy busy. I have some cute pics to post, but probably won't make it to those until the weekend...

Things are good- I started a part time job last month!!! The Gymnastics Place is so much fun and I'm loving having a couple of hours a day, M-Th, to take a break from "mommy duty". :) The girls like spending some time with various relatives and friends as well.

Even though I only work part time, I have a new found respect for working moms. How do you full timers do it??? For my friends that are full time mommies AND have a full time job- I think you're doing a great job; I know you are doing what you feel is best for your family and are trusting in God's perfect plan for your life... Without too much embarrassment, I just wanted to recognize a few mommies who are doing an amazing parenting job with their little ones and have either a part or full time career. I know you don't hear it enough, and probably get more criticism than praise, so here you go- YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!!! Love you girls- ABL, Becky, Angela, Cassy, Liz, Kaylane, Kyla, Amy V., Lanae, Curissa, Tracy, Denise, Donna, Tricia. I know there are so many more rock star moms out there, both working outside the home, and SAHM's, but these are just some I've spent some time with, and have seen the fruits of their labor (their kids). EVERY mom is one of the hardest working people in America- take some time to thank yours today. :)

Peace and love everyone, Happy Wednesday, well, Thursday now- shoot, I need to go to bed!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks, Rebekah. You are a pretty amazing mom, yourself. We are blessed to have some great mom's before us, too, to look up to!

Hope we get to see you guys soon.

Liz*** said...

Thanks, Bekah! You are such a sweet friend!

Angela said...

Thanks for the shout out! But I feel like I have pretty easy with just my one. Those of you ladies with 2 are AMAZING!!

Kaylane said...

You are VERY sweet! I needed that praise! LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!!!