Friday, October 26, 2007

Sure, mom.

Makayla's new thing is saying, "Sure, mom" in a very sarcastic tone whenever I ask her to do something. She means well, and does it, but we're going to have to work on how she says it. :) Enjoy this little video.


Liz*** said...

Okay, that is too funny!! They grow so fast don't they?!

Amy Woods said...

I found your blog!!! I feel so sneaky!!! I love the video of your girls! So cute!

Amy Woods

Kelli said...

Seriously, SO CUTE! Your girls are so sweet!

Kaylane said...

Let the sarcasm begin!!! I guess that means she really is a part of our family! :)

Kristina said...

She is SO cute! I love it! How come is "Mom" and not "Mommy"? Aren't little girls supposed to say "Mommy"? I guess she is just getting way too big! :)

Unknown said...

ok, that is seriously so funny. i love it!! she is so little to be OH SO BIG!