Tuesday, August 14, 2007

First Ponytail

Ok, nothing super exciting going on in our lives, but I thought I'd post some pics I took last week of Makayla's first real ponytail (meaning it actually stayed up most of the day). She's so pretty...

No, she's not picking her nose, just showing she knows where it is. :)

Our little rock star


Anonymous said...

She's so cute! I wish all of Addy's hair would go up in a ponytail, but sadly I had to chop the bottom off about a month ago to get rid of the mullet she was developing......;)


Unknown said...

SUPER CUTE!! Ella is now losing her hair...but no worries....the curl on top is holding on for dear life! Love you!! Kaylane

Liz*** said...

Those pictures are so cute! Her little personality is shining through!

Aimee said...

no, i know your kid, she was picking her nose:)