Friday, September 26, 2008

Just pictures...

Here's some pics from this month and I've uploaded some more videos on Youtube if you want to check them out...

I'm ready for fall weather, anyone else?!?!

These are from our walk last week in the GORGEOUS weather...

These are at The Gymnastics Place...

These are at Addy's birthday party last Saturday...

These are last night at the Galleria, they were both trying to hide from the camera...

And, yes, I did give in and cut some bangs on Brynley (just the wispies that won't stay out of her face). And no, I know I didn't do a great job, but she's much happier not eating hair. I need to take them both for trims. Here's her showing off her new bangs...


Liz*** said...

Love the bangs! Poor Kamryn needs a cut too!

Kristina said...

Cute pics! You know where to take the girls for trims...Aunt Teeny duh! :)