Tuesday, September 09, 2008
So, last night I FINALLY organized all the girls toys (with the new stuff from their birthday). So, of course we celebrated with, what else?- a tea party! I forced my very unwilling husband to at least sit with us and the girls were thrilled. Makayla could probably host a tea party for hours, and Bryn loved the chocolate chip muffins I made. It was nice and lady-like until we told Bryn to eat her muffin off her plate (as opposed to walking around with it)... this is what she took that to mean...
Here's some other pics of our fun little evening...
Here's what happened later... man, these girls have some lungs!!
On another note, it's been exactly a year since we launched The Branch at Vista Ridge. I have been so blessed to be apart of this community and am so appreciative of all the support and encouragement that surrounds our church. Jaron and I are constantly in awe of how God uses so many different people, with different gifts and talents, to further His Kingdom. I know God has great things in store for this next year- There are SO many individuals that have worked tirelessly over the past year to help make VR become part of The Branch. You know who you are and I just want to say THANK YOU for all your hard work and you WILL reap what you sow.
Ok, its already Wednesday, so I better go to bed. Good night!!
Oh man, aren't sisters fun??! The shower scene reminded me so much of N and L, I love it:)
I love that you all had a little family picnic! So cute! And man, those girls have some lungs on them. That was by far one of the cutest videos I have ever seen. I am going to miss living so close to you guys (well, with exception to the breaking in part). :)
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