Monday, February 04, 2008

New Phone!

I still think cell phones are the greatest inventions ever and I'm still amazed at all the crazy things they do. I just got a new one tonight for FREE (which makes it even better), and I absolutely love it. I can now check my email on the go and surf the web when I want. I'm so excited so I just thought I'd write about it. Check it out...

Also, the Verizon guy gave each of the girls a demo model to play with at the store and he let them take them home. Makayla was very excited, and I was too- they're real phones...well at least they look and feel like real phones. How cool....

Way more important, Makayla is doing much, MUCH better... Thanks for all the love and support. She has a tiny little cough and her nose is a little stuffy, but she's sleeping great and NO MORE FEVER!!! For those that don't know, about 5 days after we thought the flu was gone, Makayla had a really high fever (103.6), and we had to get chest xrays to make sure it wasn't pnemonia. Thank God it wasn't, and both her and Bryn have clear throats and ears.

Hope everyone had a great Monday and has a wonderful rest of the week!!


~angie said...

Girl! I miss you. This sickness is kicking my butt and really making me mad now. Hopefully I'll get back to living soon and we can catch up. Glad Mak's better! and awesome phone! How exciting:) Just don't get too crazy with that thing while you're driving! Love you.

Rebekah said...

I miss you too, hopefully we'll see you soon!! I know, I love my phone, but I've been very good at not using it on the road. :) Love you!