Saturday, September 08, 2007
Ok, for those of you that don't know, I absolutely cannot STAND pickles. I hate the smell, taste, texture, look of them. I have a dislike for olives and bananas, but will still eat them in things. BUT, I still cannot eat anything, even with the smallest amount of pickles or relish in it. SO, naturally, I have not really introduced pickles into my children's lives b/c they're just so nasty. Well, recently, every time Makayla has tasted one (at Jason's deli, particularly), she has scarfed them down. So, yesterday, I gave in and got her a jar. Of course, during snacktime today, she saw them in the pantry and had to have them. Seriously, I don't think I've ever been so sick, opening the jar, prying out that nasty, awful thing, and watching my beautiful little girl devour it like a little piggie. I almost lost my lunch, but did manage to take some pics so I can prove that I'm letting her eat them now. Anyway, Makayla's still a cutie, even with pickle juice running down her tummy. YUCK!!!
Way to be a rebel Makayla!
Way to go! I think you'll find that if you give them a chance, pickles can be your friend. :) Can't wait till Wednesday!
you go girl!
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