Sunday, August 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Brynley!!

My baby girl is 2 today, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! This past year has gone by especially fast, and I've tried to enjoy every second. I will have to admit, though, I'm a little excited to be out of the baby phase... yes, both girls are still in diapers, but other than that, they are 2 very independent little girls. Its been so amazing to witness the transformation, especially in Brynley, over the past couple of months.

Brynley is talking SO well and is such a busy little bee. She will rarely sit through an entire movie or TV show (unless its The Incredibles, her favorite at the moment), and absolutely adores playing with her dolls. She's been using her "please's" and "thank you's" so well, I've been SO proud of her. She loves to swim every chance she gets and would eat goldfish and drink apple juice all day if she could. She absolutely LOVES to dance, and usually prefers to be naked. :) She has no problem going to sleep when she's tired; she'll even, very often, curl up to her "Ellie" (elephant blankie) and just sigh contentment when she's going to bed. She adores her big sister, and always has the biggest hugs and kisses for her when she gets up from her nap (Makayla tends to take a little longer naps). She loves to cuddle with her daddy and is still sucking away on her right thumb. She definitely can still throw some mean tantrums, but she's learned they usually don't get her what she wants, so they've become less frequent and she's mostly very sweet and loving. She definitely has Grandpa and Daddy wrapped around her little finger and Mema's even offered to trade Barney for her. :) Words are hard for me to find to express my love for this little girl. She has been our precious little joy and I cannot imagine life without her.

We hadn't made any concrete plans for her big day today, but it ended up being fabulous! Our friends, the Faris's took us to Ghattitown (we'd never been), and treated Bryn (well, all of us- thanks guys!!!) to lunch and play time. The girls had a blast, but I think Bryn's favorite part was getting a balloon and riding the train around the parking lot (it was definitely her birthday, b/c we would not have done that on a normal day in this heat). She had been kinda shy all day about her birthday (didn't want us to sing to her, would hide her face when someone would say happy birthday to her), but when we were leaving Ghattitown, she said, "No! My birthday!" It was WAY cute. After our naps and dinner, we enjoyed some yummy chocolate cake that Makayla helped me make, and then went swimming, of course. Jaron took Brynley to the store to pick out a birthday treat and she was so sweet to get Makayla a little something as well. We let them watch The Incredibles (of course) in bed. :) Great day for a very special girl. We love you Brynley!!!!

I have a lot to clean up, so pictures will come tomorrow. Well, here's ONE for you...

Side note: Its 10:22pm and everyone is in bed but me... how is it that men can pass out with no thought as to the chocolate cake on the floor or wet swim suits that need to be washed? Crazy how different men and women are. Oh, well. :)


Jaron said...

Happy Birthday Bryn!!!

(I was sleepy...sorry honey!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brynley! I can't wait to come to your party!

See you at storytime today :)
